Imagination is More Significant Than Knowledge
The invisible world is the spiritual world: the imaginary world unseen to human eyes. Most people believe the physical world to be the real world. On the contrary, the visible world cannot exist without its imagination first.
The physical world is the extension and a projection or proof of our imagination that this world relies on for existence. According to the creation story, God created the earth (the physical world) and everything in it out of nothing but merely his imagination and will.
Albert Einstein established that imagination is more important than knowledge. The unseen is more vital than the seen: imagination and faith can create new life and unlimited discoveries.
Those that dispute the unseen world as the real world need to mean that imagination, feelings, and thoughts do not exist because they are invisible, despite these three being the core aspects of our existence as living beings.
People who doubt the trueness of God do so under the fact that He is unseen, which leaves the question: if imagination, spirit, feelings, and thoughts are disputable because they are invisible.
I honestly have not figured out most things, even so, I needed to voice out that the spiritual world is the real world: the Godly world, and anything that says otherwise, is a lie.
Most times, I cannot understand the existence of controversies about the presence of God, but then again, nothing can exist without its opposite, therefore, skepticism is inevitable.
The proof we need that the invisible world is the real world is that God created his most treasured creation, man, in spirit form first.
The human body came in later upon seeing that the spirit couldn’t function in the physical realm without the help of a physical vessel.
According to research, the absence of imagination kills the spirit, and when it dies, the body is left stranded; in grief of what could have been.
Imagination precisely is hope and faith for a better and brighter future, founded on God, the ultimate source of all life.
Denying the invisible world limits us from holistic living and binds us to scarcity existence.
Until we can all agree the invisible world is the real world, we’ll keep moving in circles struggling with the same problems disguised as new obstacles.
Remember, nothing is new under the sun: not even your imagination, it’s unique, yes, but not new.