Phy Floweeerr
2 min readJan 18, 2024
A young woman with her face buried in her hands
Photo by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash

Stop taking things personally! It isn’t about you…

But wait, maybe it is about you.

Yesterday, my sister posted a picture of me and my younger sister as an appreciation post, and upon seeing it, I couldn’t stomach it.

I looked terrible!

At least that is all I could see, and it nearly ruined my day

I remember getting this lump in my throat just by looking at it

Of all the pictures of us, this is the best she could.

What is she thinking posting such an atrocity?

Does she not care that I look horrible?

These thoughts incapacitated my brain, and my breath got heavy within seconds.

In case you are wondering, yes, I have a bit of a hot temper!

I’m fighting to get it under control, though

I immediately text her to take it down, which she does but…

I still struggled to understand why she would post it, so I decided to evaluate what about the picture had triggered me so much,

The answer

My pose made me look like a clown 🤡

The entire ordeal had nothing to do with my sister’s intention but more about my insecurities

- I don’t look good enough

-what will people think seeing me look that bad

-I’ll never pose as good as the next model

Later, I gathered the courage and explained to my sister that my issue was with my insecurities, not with her, which she understood, thank God!

Honestly, openly accepting that I was insecure about my looks and inability to strike a ‘Good’ pose was the best feeling ever.

I felt -lighter

-More confident

-More human

Moving on, I’ve resolved to remind myself insecurities are utterly human and a part of life

Whenever I find myself taking things personally in the future and making everything about me, I’ll always ask myself this:

Is this about me

Or am I blind to the other person’s intentions?

In most cases, we take things personally because our Egos are too big to be considerate or think straight,

Or we are too insecure to be rational

Insecurities and egos can distort our logic and create an issue where there is none

To avoid all the Heartache,

Make it a mission to remind yourself intentions are all that matter…

…instead of mindlessly jumping to conclusions, Learn to evaluate the other person’s side of the story first.

#ego #insecurities #takingthingspersonally #selfimprovement

Phy Floweeerr

Connecting through Writing. Expressing My Thoughts. Wild Imaginator, Explorer, Dynamic reader, Writer!!